A symbolic space, that reflects two conflicting realities. One exists in broad daylight where injustice occurs, the other as a hideout for a witness, enabling the recording of evidence as it happens around humanitarian conflict zones.
The road to publication often isn’t instantaneous. In cases without internet access, evidence might take days or longer to be made public. Sometimes, these videos are passed directly to NGOs, and not published at all, out of fear of discovery of the witness as the filming location can be easily traced.
Once published, the footage may be subject to information disorder by malignant publishers, platform users, or commenters. A fraction finally ends up in court.
In this mockup, a viewer passes through a narrow entrance and a window, experiencing sensory uneasiness, a reflection on the long road to justice. Footage is projected onto the opposite wall.
The installation will be built at a later date.
(ongoing) October 2024