This project is open-sourced and available on my Git Hub page.
Tensor Sympathy is a working prototype that allows communication via the Tensor Tympani (a muscle in the human inner ear) and a vibration sensor connected to a pc as a single-click device such as a tiny microphone.
The installation questions the role we attach to our senses taken for granted. We use our eyes for seeing, our ears for hearing, and our skin to feel. But, is it possible that some of our senses can change or even reverse roles?

A text message can be written on the screen by flexing an inner ear muscle at the right time the rotor passes the wanted character.
Projected use: While this is a demonstration project only, it might be used by individuals with limited physical ability, but it’s easy to learn.
Tensor Sympathy is a work in progress and there’s certainly much to improve and functionality to add like predictive writing and an improved -perhaps wireless- vibration sensor. A significant amount of time went into fine-tuning the software just to be able to filter the required input signal from noise.
The name of the project ‘Tensor Sympathy’ is a play on the words ‘Tensor Tympani’.
Contact me if you need help with implementation or if you would like to know more about this project.